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Pandemic Life and Work.

It's surreal to realise that I've been working from home since March 17th 2020 already. To state that it's been an intense year would be an understatement. Working from home has been great so far and actually turned out to be more productive.

In the past year three of the projects I was a part of have been released, one seems to be in limbo (Carnival Row Season Two). Black Widow, Free Guy and my personal favourite Shang-Chi. For the latter, I truly can not wait to see the breakdowns Digital Domain will put out. One of the coolest shots I worked on should be in there. For the movie we did a lot of face replacement work but also so much more that I can't wait to share in a later post. For now check out this clip with one of the funniest characters in the movie.

Next up is a very cool Breakdown of what we did for Black Widow:

Something Digital Domain has been working on is a new performance transfer technology that they will be using more and more in their future projects called Charlatan. From what I've been able to see up to this point it's simply stunning and had my jaw drop to the floor on almost every turn. Take a little peek below.

As for returning to the studio any time soon, I don't see that happening. So far we've been told that we will be working from home for at least the rest of the year and perhaps during the first quarter of 2022. Seeing how the Delta-Variant has been spiking all over the world it would be safer to stay at home. Although I truly miss interacting in person with my co-workers, whom have become very close friends over the years.

The past year has also been a very trying year. I've had a major health scare that got me very close the end of my life. Luckily with the help of modern medication I have been slowly recovering. Even though it's a long road, it has also been a steady one. This is also a great example how working from home helped me get through this very dark time and how the studio I work for supported me all the way. If we were still working in the office I would not have been able to come into work. My immune system had been so vastly deteriorated that I was not allowed to leave my apartment. Except for hospital visits or lab work. A very positive thing that happened after is that I met someone that has become a permanent part of my life. To the point that we are living together. So many ups and downs that it felt like a rollercoaster but these experiences have only made me stronger.

So far 2021 has been the year of good news. New relationship, health steadily getting better and a lot of fun at work. The thing that amazes me the most is that up to 15 years ago I never dreamed that I would be able to get to this point. A place where I've built up a great career working on projects that are near and dear to my heart. I've worked on no less then ten Marvel Studios movies. As a kid and now even an almost 40 year old still being the Marvel Comics fan that I am. It's a dream come true and one that I hope to be part of my future as well.

Another part that has grown is my collection. At this point I've been collecting for over a decade and I can say, it's truly grown into something I'm excited to look at every single day. Although the rate this has been growing I might need to move in the near future!

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